Unveiling The Mystery of Destiny 2’s Black Goo: Fan Reactions

Discover the secrets behind Destiny 2's mysterious black goo and how fans are reacting to it!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 is known for its mysteries and the black goo is no exception. Fans are intrigued and theories are flying on Reddit…


  • Is the black goo a failed copy of the Veil?
  • Players appreciate the attention to detail in the shaders.
  • Speculations about the origins of the mysterious substance.

Unraveling the Mystery

The black goo in Destiny 2 has stirred up quite a buzz among players, with some comparing it to the venom symbiote and others speculating it’s a rare alien species…

Diving Into The Lore

Some users believe the black goo is tied to the vanguard and has been kept hidden for specific reasons, adding layers to the game’s storyline…

Fan Theories Galore

From references to Venom for Sony cross-promotion to the possibility of becoming a ‘Venom Guardian,’ fans are concocting wild theories about the black goo’s true nature…