Unveiling the Mystery in Baldur’s Gate: Who Lies in the Astral Sea?

Dive into the enigmatic realm of Baldur's Gate, where the gods rest in the astral sea.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate fans are pondering the mysterious figure in the astral sea. Who could it be?


  • The enigmatic figure in the astral sea sparks debates on dead gods.
  • Players dissect clues like size and armor to unravel the mystery.
  • Theories range from dead gods to Gith, first queen of Githyanki.

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Baldur’s Gate enthusiasts delve into the lore of the astral sea, debating the identity of the mysterious entity entombed within. Some believe…

Clues and Conjectures

Users analyze the intricate details of the figure, speculating on its origins and significance within the cosmology of Baldur’s Gate. The elaborate armor and…

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