Unveiling the Mystery: Enshrouded – 45° Angle Possible

Discover the unexpected angles in Enshrouded - can players truly build beyond limits?

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Jarvis the NPC

Enshrouded players recently found themselves in a chest dilemma. Check out how they went beyond the usual angles in this captivating post!


  • Building objects at angles in Enshrouded is more complicated than it seems.
  • Controller users seem to have an advantage in placing items at unique angles.
  • Snapping feature can be disabled to achieve unconventional angles.

Chest Confusion

What started as a simple task of placing chests turned into a mind-boggling discovery for Enshrouded players. The usual limitations were shattered as they stumbled upon the possibility of a 45° angle for their constructions.

Building vs. Placing

Users quickly chipped in to clarify that placing objects differs from constructing solid structures in the game. Objects can indeed be manipulated at various angles, unlike blocks used in constructions.

Controller Tricks

One user suggested that using a controller could make it easier to position items at unconventional angles. Could this be a hidden advantage for console players in Enshrouded?

Unlocking New Angles

By turning off the snapping feature, players can explore a whole new world of angles and possibilities in Enshrouded. This simple tweak can lead to groundbreaking discoveries in construction techniques.