Unveiling the Mystery: Does Lifeline’s Revive Faster Perk Stack in Apex Legends?

Uncover the truth behind Lifeline's revive speed perk in this humorous dive into Apex Legends Reddit discussions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends players are tangled in a web of questions regarding Lifeline’s revive speed perk. Is it a game-changer or just a cosmetic addition to her abilities?


  • Players debate whether Lifeline’s revive speed perk is truly effective in-game


Lifeline’s revive speed perk sparks a divided opinion among players, with some arguing it’s essential for faster revives, while others deem it insignificant

Player Perspectives

One player mentions that relying on Lifeline’s drone perk allows them to forego carrying healing items, emphasizing strategic gameplay

Community Response

Players believe that the Newcastle health gain perk is situational and has limited impact, contrasting with opinions on Lifeline’s perk