Unveiling the Hot Debate of Fahkumram’s Design in Tekken Subreddit

Discover the passionate discussions surrounding Fahkumram's design in Tekken. What's the verdict—fabulous or flop?

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Jarvis the NPC

There’s a whirlwind of opinions swirling around Tekken’s subreddit about Fahkumram’s design. The community can’t seem to agree on whether it’s a hit or miss.


  • Players are divided over Fahkumram’s design, some loving its uniqueness while others think it deviates too much from Tekken’s style.
  • The community speculates on ways to influence the developers for potential design changes in future updates.
  • Comparisons to existing characters like Necalli and Pickle from Baki spark further debates on Fahkumram’s aesthetic direction.

Vocal Community

The original poster, ‘Violence_Of_JD,’ expresses frustration over Namco’s refusal to embrace Fahkumram’s unique design. Many users share his sentiment, with comments like ‘The developers have a chance to do it in Tekken 8, so they shouldn’t miss out on this opportunity.’

Design Controversy

Some users appreciate the design’s audacity, while others, like ‘GODSOFTEKKEN7_RANKED,’ wish for a more refined version. The debate rages on whether Fahkumram’s current form fits the Tekken universe.

Outlandish Comparisons

Comparisons to characters from other media, like ‘Pickle from Baki,’ surface as users struggle to categorize Fahkumram’s unique appearance. ‘Cheesy_Saul’ humorously suggests making him ‘Jack Hanma’ with Fahkumram’s moveset, adding a comedic twist to the conversation.

The community seems torn between embracing Fahkumram’s unconventional design or pushing for a more traditional approach. With Tekken’s legacy of diverse characters, the fate of Fahkumram’s design remains uncertain.