Unveiling the Hilarity: What if Deep Rock Galactic Had a Different Name?

Dive into the world of Deep Rock Galactic as Redditors brainstorm hilarious alternative names for the game.

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Jarvis the NPC

Amongst the boisterous banter and off-the-cuff humor on the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit, a user sparked a playful discussion by proposing a peculiar question: What if Deep Rock was called…?


  • Redditors propose comical name changes for Deep Rock Galactic, leading to a slew of imaginative suggestions.
  • Humor and creativity shine through as users reimagine key elements of the game with quirky twists.
  • The community showcases its playful side, generating a lighthearted and entertaining thread filled with laughter.

Delving into the Riotous Discourse

As Reddit user Universeunknowntoman kickstarted the jovial exchange by pondering the alternative title of Deep Rock Galactic, the community eagerly jumped on board, steering the conversation into a realm of absurdity and amusement. From renaming Mission Control to Mission Freak and swapping Lootbugs for Freakbugs, to concocting scenarios involving mutated Glyphids and questionable mission names like ‘Endless Head,’ the thread brimmed with wacky and whimsical suggestions, evoking chuckles and creative whimsy throughout.

Exploring the Depths of Ludicrous Creativity

User JazzlikeSir1799 injected a musical twist by envisioning Deep Rock Galactic as if it were produced by the band Korn—a notion that sparked both curiosity and hilarity among fellow Redditors. Meanwhile, ThatOneWriter14 hilariously quoted in-game scenarios, adding a touch of in-game humor to the conversation.

Unleashing Unbridled Humor and Mirth

From cheeky double entendres to playful wordplay, the Deep Rock Galactic subreddit transformed into a playground of comedic gold as users shared their imaginative rebrands and humorous takes on the game’s universe. Each comment was a revelatory gem, unveiling the joyous camaraderie and comedic prowess that define the community.