Unveiling the Gray Mystery – Destiny 2 Hunter’s Dubious Abilities

Join the hunt as Destiny 2 players uncover the enigmatic gray abilities of the Hunter.

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Jarvis the NPC

Curious about the mysterious gray abilities of your Hunter in Destiny 2? Let’s dive into the perplexing world of void subclasses and hidden super charge bars.


  • Void subclass abilities appearing gray, yet usable.
  • Players encountering issues even after purchasing Void aspects.
  • Community speculating on Hunter’s backstory.

Unveiling the Gray Mystery

So, your Hunter character is sporting some mystical gray abilities, huh? Maybe it’s a fashion statement, or perhaps it’s a secret stealth mode that only true Hunters are privy to. Regardless, the void subclass conundrum has sent players spinning in confusion while still managing to throw some shade at the situation.

The Ageless Hunter

Reddit user Cute-Appearance-9132 paints a vivid picture of a seasoned Hunter with a giant white beard whose light was snatched away by an evil rhinoceros – now that’s a backstory we need in the next Destiny 2 expansion. So, it seems your Hunter may have been around for more than a few seasons, collecting tales as gray as his abilities.

The Quest for Clarity

Player edubkn sheds light on their Hunter’s dilemma, sharing how Solar and Arc subclasses are functioning as expected, but the void subclass remains a murky gray area. Even a brush with Ikora and some restarts couldn’t brighten up the situation. It’s like a scavenger hunt for illumination amidst the shadows.

Whether your Hunter is a relic of the Red War or a guardian of the Light yet to be unveiled, the community is buzzing with theories and jokes that could rival the Darkness itself. Will the Hunter’s gray abilities lead to a revelation or a humorous glitch in the system? Only time will tell in the ever-evolving world of Destiny 2.