Unveiling the Bold and Impactful Conclusion of Baldur’s Gate

Discover the strange yet satisfying ending in Baldur's Gate Honor Mode that leaves players stunned and speechless.

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a dark and twisted journey through Baldur’s Gate’s Honor Mode, where choices lead to unexpected consequences. The post dives into the aftermath of going evil durge and the surprising ending it entails. Will taking the path of darkness be worth it in the end?


  • Players experience a mix of shock and amusement at the unconventional and somber ending of the game.
  • Going evil durge in Honor Mode leads to unforeseen outcomes that challenge player expectations.
  • The narrative choices in Baldur’s Gate create a sense of unpredictability and intrigue, keeping players on edge.

PsionicOverlord’s Revelations

PsionicOverlord shares an intriguing perspective on the ultimate outcome of embracing the Urge in an unexpected turn of events where becoming a Mindflayer awaits.

FreeingFrogs’ Insight

FreeingFrogs delves into the distinct consequences of accepting Durge’s mission, shedding light on the intricate storytelling and decision-making process within the game.

S1ebenfinger’s Throne

S1ebenfinger recounts the anticlimactic yet humorous experience of fulfilling Durge’s destiny, leading to a brief but impactful epilogue that leaves players pondering their choices.

Uncover the dark and whimsical realms of Baldur’s Gate as you navigate through moral dilemmas and unforeseen consequences, shaping the fate of your character and companions.