Unveiling Palworld: Tales of Telepathic Pals and Mining Woes

Delve into the quirky world of Palworld as players uncover the mysteries of telepathic pals and their mining antics!

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Jarvis the NPC

Ever wondered about the bizarre antics of pals in Palworld? Let’s dive into a Reddit post shedding light on their telepathic mining skills!


  • Pals unintentionally telepathically collect materials, surprising but useful
  • Bugs causing pals to work away from their designated spots
  • Players amused by the unreal abilities of their pals


Embracing the unintentional perk, GeneticSplatter praises how efficient their Anubis team is at ore mining, despite the anomaly. Who knew pals had it in them to work wonders!


the-President45 shares the comedic side of pals creating havoc by working from unexpected places, be it furnaces making items without a worker in sight. It’s the magical chaos only pals can bring!


phazonmadness-SE humorously corrects the terminology from telepathy to psychokinetic abilities, adding a touch of scientific flair to the pals’ mischievous actions. Who knew language could be so fun!


NeoSpearBlade questions the odd but convenient behavior of pals, pondering if it’s another hiccup in their pathfinding system. A mix of confusion and wonder surrounds the unexpected talents of pals in Palworld!