Unveiling Granblue Fantasy’s Cagliostro Alexandria Dodge Cancel Shenanigans

Discover the uproar around Granblue Fantasy's latest dodge cancel mechanic with Cagliostro and Alexandria!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy’s community erupts with excitement and disbelief as players uncover the new dodge cancel shenanigans featuring Cagliostro and Alexandria.


  • The new dodge cancel mechanic with Cagliostro and Alexandria has players amazed at the damage potential.
  • Some players find the mechanic to be overpowered, leading to discussions on game balance.
  • Players are questioning optimal setups and damage output, adding a layer of strategic depth to the game.
  • The community is divided between those enjoying the newfound power and others concerned about its impact on gameplay.
  • Maritoas – Linktime paintrain into Alex dodge. Disgusting damage

    Players are astounded by the damage output potential when combining Cagliostro and Alexandria’s abilities.

    Crescent_Dusk – The boss had lost 60% of his health before he went into first overdrive. Pretty silly.

    A player shares their experience of the significant damage done to a boss before reaching the first overdrive stage.

    JumpingCoconut – Memes aside, do you really play her without damage cap now?

    Discussion sparks around the viability of playing Cagliostro without a damage cap and the use of Lucilius sigils for optimization.

    HugoSotnas – The damage buff Cagliostro needed (absolutely didn’t but I main her and I’ll happily abuse this)

    Players express mixed feelings about the perceived necessity of the damage buff for Cagliostro and its impact on gameplay balance.

    tinyasphodel – Is that les parfums de l’amour….?

    A lighthearted comment hints at the amusing moments experienced during gameplay with the new mechanic.