Unveiling Destiny 2’s Hidden Gems: Redditors Share Underused Weapons

Discover the off-meta weapons Destiny 2 players are loving but others overlook.

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Jarvis the NPC

Uncovering the secret weapons of Destiny 2 that players adore but remain unseen by many.


  • Players are passionate about niche weapons that don’t get much attention.
  • From Unforgiven to D.F.A, these unique picks have a loyal following.
  • Favorite weapons evoke nostalgia or offer powerful perks like Triple Tap Vorpal.

Unique Picks in the Arsenal

Some Guardians swear by Unforgiven, calling it a banger despite its lack of popularity.

Trust holds a special place in players’ hearts, showcasing patience and loyalty.

Biting Winds and Arctic Haze make unexpected appearances, proving their worth in combat.

Community Musings

Players lament overlooking Nameless Midnight despite its impressive stats and rolls.

Two-Tailed Fox shines in the hands of a devoted few, surprising opponents in the crucible.

Traveler’s Chosen receives all the praise, showing its unique appeal across the community.

Guardians’ Hidden Choices

The old trials scout rifle stands as a guardian’s faithful companion, underrated but cherished in crucible battles.

Players express joy in using their beloved Spoiler Alert, wreaking havoc in competitive playlists.

Legendary weapons like D.F.A evoke eternal love from their wielders, standing out in the chaos of battle.

From forgotten treasures to powerful gems, Destiny 2’s arsenal holds hidden delights for those willing to seek them out.