Unveiling Destiny 2: The Final Shape

Discover what Destiny 2 fans think about the upcoming update and delve into their speculations and excitement!

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 fans are buzzing with excitement over the upcoming update, ‘The Final Shape.’…


  • Speculations about the new update are running wild.
  • Fans are hoping for new significant content additions.
  • Anticipation is high for potential callbacks to previous Destiny content.

Exploring the Excitement

One user expressed their hopes for the update, stating, “I sure hope we can make this King fall,” indicating a desire for challenging content.

Sharing Art Appreciation

Another user was enthralled by the artwork related to the update, exclaiming, “This art is delightful! Do you have any platforms to plug?” This showcases the community’s admiration for visual aspects of the game.

Unveiling the Mystery

Users discussed the potential connection to ‘Crota’s End,’ speculating on the direction the update might take. The cryptic nature of the update’s title has sparked various theories among fans.

Looking Ahead

Excitement is palpable as fans anticipate the potential new content and challenges that ‘The Final Shape’ update might bring to Destiny 2.