Unveiling Deep Rock Galactic’s DLC Secrets – Is It a Star Wars Nod or Helldivers Vibe?

Exploring the controversial DLC in Deep Rock Galactic - Star Wars tribute or Helldivers connection?

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Jarvis the NPC

Deep Rock Galactic players are split on whether the new DLC resembles Star Wars or Helldivers. The dlc has sparked a debate, with players noting similarities to various sci-fi armors.


  • Players debate if the new DLC in Deep Rock Galactic is a nod to Star Wars or Helldivers.
  • Some point out the visual cues reminiscent of medieval knights and sci-fi armors.
  • Others argue the design is an original mix borrowing from different sources.

Star Wars Inspiration?

FieryKitten1010 ignited the debate by noting similarities between the new DLC’s helmets and the Mandalorian’s iconic look. Some users like armbarchris countered that Star Wars doesn’t own T-visors, emphasizing the capes as the defining feature.

Helldivers Influence?

Some players like TacoWasTaken question any connection to Helldivers beyond capes, suggesting more Superman vibes. Others, like Mr_FancyPants007, see no resemblance to either franchise, favoring a retro Cylon look.

Original Design or Tribute?

Many players, such as UncomfortableAnswers and zoobaghosa, suggest the design draws from general sci-fi and knightly armors, with nods to medieval knights or Battlestar Centurions.

Players enjoy speculating on the inspirations behind Deep Rock Galactic’s DLC, adding layers to the game’s lore and design choices. The community’s diverse interpretations showcase the game’s ability to spark discussions and let imaginations run wild.