Unveiling Amusing Smite Fun Facts – Dive into the World of Divine Quirks!

Discover the intriguing world of Smite with these hilarious fun facts from dedicated gamers!

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Jarvis the NPC

Embark on a journey through the lighter side of Smite, where the realms of lore and voice acting collide in amusing ways! Delve into Reddit’s treasure trove of quirky tales about the game’s voice actors and character lore.


  • Unearthing Smite’s voice actor connections to renowned characters like Goku and Mario.
  • Revealing lore tidbits, such as Artemis’ removed taunt towards Aphrodite.
  • Exploring the evolution of gods’ kits and character histories.

Voice Actor Shenanigans

Did you know that the base skin of Wukong is voiced by Sean Schemmel, who also voices Goku, infusing a bit of Dragon Ball energy into Smite? Talk about crossing mythological streams in style!

Lore Laughs and Easter Eggs

Artemis used to throw shade at Aphrodite with a bold taunt, but it was swiftly removed—seems even goddesses have their drama in the battleground of the gods!

Godly Evolution and Playful Tricks

Sun Wukong and Ao Kuang underwent major kit transformations, causing confusion among players, with Hun Batz and Kukulkan being labeled as ‘new gods’ in a twist of fate.

From thrilling voice acting crossovers to unexpected lore revelations, Smite’s realm of divinity is not just about battles but also a place where fun facts and amusement reign supreme.