Unveiling a Huge Oversight in Baldur’s Gate 3 – What Players are Missing!

Discover what players are missing in Baldur's Gate 3 and why it's causing a stir!

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate 3 players on Reddit have discovered a huge oversight in the game concerning the Rune Slates and a friendly Mind Flayer. Let’s dive into what’s got players riled up!


  • Players are frustrated by not being able to give certain items to NPCs despite having them in their inventory.
  • Some believe the oversight adds realism to the game, while others find it a missed opportunity.
  • The desire for more interactive elements with NPCs is a popular sentiment among players.

The Frustration Builds

Baldur’s Gate 3 players are expressing their frustration over a significant oversight in the game that involves the Rune Slates and an NPC, Omeluum. Players have found themselves unable to give Omeluum the Rune Slate despite having it in their possession. This has led to a wave of disappointment among the player base.

A Touch of Realism or a Missed Opportunity?

Some players see this oversight as adding a touch of realism to the game. They argue that in real-life scenarios, not every item you possess can be handed over as players might expect in a typical RPG. On the other hand, many players view this as a missed opportunity for a more immersive and interactive gameplay experience.

Desire for More Interaction

The general sentiment among players is a desire for more interactive elements with NPCs. Players yearn for a deeper level of engagement where their actions and decisions have a tangible impact on the game world and its characters. The inability to hand over certain items despite the logical expectation has highlighted a broader desire for enhanced NPC interactions.

Overall, the oversight in Baldur’s Gate 3 has sparked discussions among players regarding game realism, player agency, and interactive storytelling. While some see it as a minor hiccup, others view it as an opportunity for developers to further enrich the player experience.