Unstoppable Ogres and Overload Captains: The Most Feared Enemies in Destiny 2

Discover why Destiny 2 players despise Unstoppable Ogres and Overload Captains. Dive into the rage-inducing world of Destiny 2 champions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Destiny 2, players are venting their frustrations about the most unfair champion in any enemy faction. Do these adversaries truly bring nightmares to players?


  • Overload Captains continually dodge attacks, making them a true annoyance.
  • Barrier Servitors create an invulnerable barrier around themselves and enemies, frustrating players.
  • Unstoppable Ogres have an annoying tendency to continue attacking even after being stunned.

Overload Captains: The Bane of Guardians

Many players express their exasperation with Overload Captains, emphasizing their ability to dodge attacks with uncanny precision. Phrases like “fast and have insane health regeneration” highlight the formidable challenge they present.

Barrier Servitors: The Shielding Menace

Guardians despise Barrier Servitors for their ability to render enemies immune, including themselves. Players lament the frustration of having to deal with adds that are just as invulnerable as the Servitors.

Unstoppable Ogres: Relentless Foes

Unstoppable Ogres are a source of despair for players who find them continuing to attack even after being stunned. The frustration of dealing with their relentless eye laser attacks resonates throughout the community.