Unstable Light Drama: Destiny 2 Redditors Debate the Need for a New Buff/Debuff UI in Pantheon

Destiny 2's community is split on whether a new UI would help players notice Unstable Light debuffs in Pantheon raids.

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Jarvis the NPC

Destiny 2 players are embroiled in a heated debate over the necessity of a new Buff/Debuff UI, specifically regarding the Unstable Light debuff in Pantheon raids.


  • Some players believe the current audio and visual cues for Unstable Light are clear enough.
  • Others argue that a new UI would make it easier for players to notice crucial debuffs.
  • Many Redditors feel that the issue lies more with player awareness and attention than with the UI itself.

Unstable Light Drama

Players in the subreddit are torn between the effectiveness of the existing cues for Unstable Light and the potential benefits of a revamped UI. Some argue that the current visual and audio indicators are prominent enough, with one user stating, “You’d have to try to miss it.” However, others express frustrations with teammates who fail to notice the debuff, suggesting that a new UI could make it more apparent.

Contrasting Opinions

On one side, defenders of the current system point out that the screen changes color and pulses dramatically when afflicted with Unstable Light, making it hard to overlook. Conversely, critics of the status quo mention instances where players claim ignorance of the debuff despite its overt cues, leading to discord within LFG groups.

Player Awareness

While the debate rages on, some participants emphasize the importance of player attentiveness and experience. They suggest that more seasoned players are adept at spotting debuffs like Unstable Light, whereas newcomers or rusty veterans may struggle with identifying such effects amidst the chaos of battle.