Unseen Dangers: Why Helldivers are Avoiding Mines in Their Galactic Adventures

Mines are causing mayhem in Helldivers! Find out why players are steering clear of these unseen dangers.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers are facing a new threat in the form of mines causing chaos in the galaxy. From unexpected explosions to invisible minefields, the dangers seem to be mounting for our intrepid space explorers. Let’s dive into the reddit post and unearth the reasons behind players’ reluctance to embrace this perilous new addition to their arsenal.


  • Players express frustration due to mines triggering in unintended ways, leading to unexpected chain reactions.
  • Some players view mines as a liability, citing issues like missing mines, invisible minefields, and host-client desync causing fatal mishaps.
  • The lack of clear indicators for minefields on the minimap and HUD adds to the challenges of using them effectively in combat.

Explosive Contradictions

Despite the potential of mines for strategic play, many players find them more trouble than they’re worth. The chain reaction of mines triggered by a single enemy’s demise adds an element of unpredictability that can turn the tide of battle against the very team that deployed them.

The Hidden Perils

One of the recurring complaints is the lack of visual cues for minefields on the player’s HUD or minimap. This absence of clear indicators forces players to rely on memory and spatial awareness, leading to avoidable explosions and friendly fire incidents.

Risk vs. Reward

While some players enjoy the challenge of using mines for kills, others prioritize reliability and ease of use in their loadouts. The debate between fun gameplay mechanics and practical effectiveness continues to divide the Helldivers community.