Unraveling the Uncomfortable Truth about Diablo Barbs: A Deep Dive into Class Imbalance

Discover the hidden truths about Diablo Barbs and the class imbalance that plagues late-game content.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo players are diving deep into the uncomfortable truths surrounding Barbs and the persistent class imbalance they face.


  • Barbs’ dominance in late-game content questioned due to Arsenal’s overwhelming strength.
  • Suggestions to balance other classes by granting additional legendary aspects to Druids, Necros, and more.
  • Discussion on the need for creative solutions beyond simple nerfs to address class disparities.

Insights on Arsenal Dominance

RightAboutTriangles highlights the Arsenal’s impact on Barbarian power balance, questioning the lack of discussion around this imbalance.

Balancing Class Mechanics

Deep_Ad_1195 proposes granting other classes additional legendary aspects to rival Barbs’ Arsenal advantage while maintaining class uniqueness.

Addressing Class Imbalance

Crimson690 delves into the multipliers and skills overshadowed by HOTA, suggesting tweaks as a means to balance the disparity.

Community Engagement

From divided opinions on necessary changes to proposals for enhancing other classes, the community continues to push for a fair playing field.