Unraveling the Toughness of Platinum in Apex Legends: Community Insights

Discover why Platinum in Apex Legends has become a formidable challenge with insights from the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends encounters a dilemma as users question the surge in difficulty within Platinum ranks. Players voice their frustrations and ponder the reason behind the heightened challenge.


  • Platinum difficulty surge attributed to the skill creep phenomenon.
  • Solo queue struggles pronounced in Platinum; players facing wipeouts due to team setbacks.
  • Concerns raised on game experience for newcomers and shadow of veterans dominating.
  • Ranked experience transformed negatively, impacting player performance across all tiers.

Community Insights: Skill Creep

The influx of skilled players has transformed the landscape of Platinum matches, with users noting the increased precision and efficiency observed in recent battles.

The Solo Queue Struggle

Players resonate with the challenges of solo queuing in Platinum, citing scenarios of early squad elimination and subsequent RP loss despite occasional victories.

Veterans vs. Newcomers

Discussions unfold around the disparity between seasoned players and newcomers, as the game’s evolution seemingly caters more to the experienced, leaving the average skill level lagging behind.

Ranked Experience Evolution

Users express discontent with the recent rank system changes as they witness a decline in personal performance and encounter prowess disparities within the player pool.

Apex Legends’ Platinum rank has metamorphosed into a daunting challenge, eliciting mixed reactions from the community. As the game’s competitive landscape evolves, players grapple with the heightened skill levels and revised ranking dynamics, shaping their gameplay experiences.