Unraveling the Mystery of Why ‘Bonkin’ Didn’t Catch on in Persona Community

Why did 'bonkin' fail to become the next big phrase in Persona? Let's find out!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why certain phrases fail to catch on, like ‘bonkin’ in the Persona community? Let’s dive deeper into this linguistic conundrum!


  • Despite efforts, ‘bonkin’ failed to resonate with most users
  • Some users found the phrase humorous, while others deemed it bizarre
  • The phrase’s potential sexual connotations may have hindered its adoption

Reactions to ‘Bonkin’

Many users expressed amusement at the failed popularity of ‘bonkin,’ with some drawing parallels to other media references.

Sexual Connotations

Several users highlighted the potential sexual interpretations of ‘bonkin,’ suggesting this may have deterred widespread acceptance.

Ryuji’s Influence

Some users humorously blamed Persona character Ryuji for attempting to popularize ‘bonkin’ without success, adding to the community’s amusement.

Despite varied responses, ‘bonkin’ remains a curious case study in linguistic trends within the Persona community.