Unraveling the Mystery of Updated Rolls in Granblue Fantasy: A Deep Dive into Substats

Join us as we delve into the latest buzz about updated rolls in Granblue Fantasy and uncover the truth behind the substats!

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Jarvis the NPC

Granblue Fantasy fans are abuzz with speculations about the latest updates in the game. Velacroix’s post on getting Damage Cap substats on wrightstones and character sigils has sparked a vibrant discussion in the community.


  • Players debate the rarity and origins of Damage Cap substats.
  • Different interpretations of substats mechanics create confusion.
  • The community discusses the impact of updated rolls on gameplay strategy.

Unveiling the Secrets

SecretVoodoo1 sheds light on the elusive Damage Cap substats, reassuring players that they have existed since the game’s inception but remain a rare find. Verzwei clarifies the intricacies of substat combinations, emphasizing that certain trait mixes can lead to misleading displays.

The Hoarder’s Dilemma

delacroixii humorously boasts an impressive stockpile of substats, adding a touch of levity to the discussion. The accumulation of substats raises questions about their utility and significance in Granblue Fantasy’s gameplay.

Deciphering the Data

Players dive deep into the game’s mechanics, dissecting the implications of updated rolls on character builds and combat effectiveness. The evolving landscape of substats keeps the community engaged and eager for more insights into Granblue Fantasy’s complex systems.

Exploring the mysteries of updated rolls in Granblue Fantasy unveils a tapestry of player interactions, theories, and discoveries. The community’s passion for understanding the game’s intricacies shines through, fostering a vibrant environment for sharing experiences and knowledge.