Unraveling the Mystery of the Black Hole in League of Legends

Join us as we explore the strange phenomenon of the black hole in League of Legends and the community's reactions.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the world of League of Legends, mysterious phenomena aren’t uncommon. Players often encounter strange bugs or glitches that can lead to both confusion and amusement. Recently, a Reddit post by user Hectrekt sparked a heated discussion about a peculiar ‘black hole’ that appeared in the game just an hour ago.


  • Players puzzled by unexpected ‘black hole’ caused by Ryze’s ultimate ability glitch.
  • Community split on whether the glitch is a fun surprise or a frustrating issue.
  • Debate over the strategic implications of such bugs in competitive play.

The Mysterious Black Hole

The Reddit post showcased a video clip of a bizarre black hole effect in the game, triggered by Ryze’s ultimate ability. Users were quick to offer explanations, with GodKingHercules clarifying that it was a portal created by the champion for strategic teleportation.

Confusion and Amusement

Hectrekt, the original poster, expressed surprise at the unusual distance the glitch allowed for teleportation, labeling it a ‘must be glitch.’ The unexpected nature of the black hole led to a mix of confusion and amusement among players.

Interpreting the Phenomenon

Some users, like THAErAsEr, raised questions about how the glitch affected gameplay, pondering how a team managed to destroy the nexus with towers still standing. Others, such as No-Specific1660, interpreted the term ‘black hole’ as a reference to the massive range of Ryze’s ult, highlighting the diverse perspectives within the community.

Community Speculation

xDrewGaming speculated about potential links to hexgates and play tests, suggesting that experimental features may have inadvertently caused the black hole phenomenon. The community’s engagement with the topic showcased a mix of creativity, skepticism, and humor.

As players continue to uncover unexpected quirks in League of Legends, the mystery of the black hole serves as a reminder of the game’s dynamic nature and the community’s ability to turn even bugs into engaging discussions.