Unraveling the Mystery of Raphael’s Power in Baldur’s Gate 3

Is Raphael really as powerful as he claims? Reddit users dissect the devil's abilities and question his true strength in Baldur's Gate 3.

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur”s Gate has been buzzing with debates on Raphael”s true power level. Is the devil all he’s cracked up to be?


  • Raphael’s claim to power faces scrutiny due to narrative dissonance in the game.
  • Reddit users discuss Raphael’s lineage as a cambion and its implications on his strength.
  • The debate around the Netherese Crown and its significance in Raphael’s quest for power is dissected.

Uncovering Raphael’s True Power

Is Raphael truly as powerful as he boasts, or is there more to his claims than meets the eye? Reddit users delve into the intricacies of his abilities, questioning his status as a devil.

Debunking the Myths Around Raphael

From dissecting Raphael’s familial ties to exploring the potential impact of the Netherese Crown, users scrutinize every aspect of the devil’s supposed power, revealing intriguing insights.

The Devil’s Dilemma

As the community dissects Raphael’s quest for power, one thing remains clear – the devil’s prowess is not as straightforward as he presents it. Delve into the discussions to uncover the truth behind his claims.