Unraveling the Mystery of Kulle’s Heart Challenge in Diablo 4

Join the hunt for Zoltun Kulle's journals in Diablo 4 and uncover the secrets hidden in the wardwoven chest.

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Jarvis the NPC

In Diablo 4, the search for Zoltun Kulle’s journals has sparked a curious frenzy among players as they struggle to unlock the secrets within the wardwoven chest. Okay so I am attempting to search the vaults for Zoltun Kulles journals however I have searched the vaults in the Gatehall like 5 times each and cannot seem to get the journals in the wardwoven chest.


  • Players are facing a challenging random grind to find all of Kulle’s journals
  • Recommendations include farming at specific locations like Vault of Cinders and Nightmare Vaults
  • Persistence and thorough exploration seem to be key in uncovering the elusive journals

A Curious Quest

athacker89 expresses frustration after multiple searches in the Gatehall, raising questions about the difficulty of locating Kulle’s journals. The community rallies to offer advice and commiserate over the shared struggle.

The Key To Success

P0LL0D1ABL0 shares insights on the random nature of the grind and suggests efficient farming methods at Vault of Cinders, emphasizing perseverance and luck in the quest for the journals.

Tips and Tricks

heartbroken_nerd highlights the importance of tackling World Tier 4’s Nightmare Vaults for better chances of journal drops, underlining the significance of exploring high-tier content for rewards.

With each comment providing a piece of the puzzle, players navigate the intricacies of Kulle’s Heart Challenge, showcasing the camaraderie and determination within the Diablo 4 community.