Unraveling the Mystery of Dying in Fortnite Despite Landing in Water

Landing in water shouldn't mean death in Fortnite, right? Dive into this Reddit post and comments to find out more!

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Jarvis the NPC

Fortnite players are scratching their heads over dying despite landing in water. Dive deep into the mystery!


  • Fortnite’s water physics leave players confused.
  • Shallow water proves deadly?
  • Players compare Fortnite to Minecraft for water logic.

Players’ Confusion

Many players express bewilderment at dying in shallow water. Some jokingly compare it to Minecraft’s water logic, where a single pixel can save lives.

Shallow Water Woes

It seems Fortnite’s water physics have a quirk where even shallow waters can lead to a swift demise. Players warn each other to watch out for shallow depths.

Minecraft vs. Fortnite

The comparisons to Minecraft continue, with players noting the stark difference in water mechanics between the two games. In Fortnite, it’s deep or death.

These perplexing water deaths in Fortnite highlight the need for players to stay vigilant and toe the line between safety and danger. Perhaps one day, Fortnite’s water mechanics will be as forgiving as Minecraft’s.