Unraveling the Mystery of Dragonspine: Genshin Impact Reddit Thread Explained

Why won’t the Mondstadt one work? Dragonspine dilemma gamifies Genshin Impact exploration.

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Jarvis the NPC

Explorers in Genshin Impact are puzzled by the malfunctioning compass in Dragonspine, sparking a debate on Reddit. Users speculate on lore and game design reasons behind the issue, with some sharing discovery strategies.


  • Compass malfunctions in Dragonspine due to ley lines destruction.
  • Players resort to edge-walking to detect chests near the area.
  • Dragonspine lore and aesthetics attract early explorers.

The Relic of Dragonspine

Gamers attribute the compass issue to early game design choices, leading to player frustration but also nostalgia.

Dragonspine Lore

Discussions delve into the lore reasons for the compass malfunction, adding depth to the game’s world-building.

Explorer’s Nostalgia

Players fondly remember their early adventures in Dragonspine, reminiscing on their exploration journey and achievements.