Unraveling the Mystery of a 90% Headshot Percentage in Valorant

Delve into the bewildering world of Valorant stats and a miraculous 90% headshot rate.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Valorant enthusiasts are in a frenzy over a player boasting an incredible 90% headshot percentage in a recent match. How is this even possible?


  • Speculations run rampant, from accusations of cheating to dedicated headshot strategies.

Uncovering the Truth

A player suggests the high percentage could be attributed to a combination of a single-shot playstyle and deliberate avoidance of body shots, albeit highly unconventional and likely not sustainable in higher ranks.

Community Backlash

Members of the community express skepticism, highlighting that even professional players do not achieve such consistently high headshot rates, fueling suspicions of cheating.

The Rise of Cheating

Amidst the controversy, players lament the increasing prevalence of cheating in Valorant, attributing unrealistically high statistics to illegitimate practices.