Unraveling the Mystery: Is Gobfin Related to Jormuntide in Palworld?

Join us as we delve into the heated debate on whether Gobfin and Jormuntide share a connection in Palworld.

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Jarvis the NPC

In the bustling world of Palworld, discussions run rampant on whether Gobfin and Jormuntide share any familial ties. Are they distant cousins or sworn enemies?


  • The community debates over the possible evolution feature scrapped in Palworld development.
  • Suggestions arise of a hierarchical link between Jormuntide and the elusive Gobfin.
  • Lighthearted comments add humor to the intense lore discussions on Reddit.

Evolutions Echoes

One user hints at the early evolution concept that might connect the dots between various pals in Palworld. Could Gobfin and Jormuntide indeed have a shared history beyond what meets the eye?

Raging Dissent

Amidst the speculation, a passionate member expresses disdain towards Gobfins, sparking a fiery debate on their worth in the game.

Lore Mysteries

Delving deeper, players ponder the origins of Jormuntide alphas, questioning if they are descendants or distant relatives of the mighty Jormuntide.

Matrimonial Bonds

In a cheeky response, a Redditor humorously suggests that the only relation between Gobfin and Jormuntide is through marriage, adding a playful twist to the ongoing discussions.

Throughout the thread, emotions fluctuate from curiosity to frustration, but one thing remains certain—the intrigue surrounding Gobfin and Jormuntide continues to captivate Palworld players.