Unraveling the Mystery: Is Genesis a Red Mage in Final Fantasy Universe?

Join the debate as Final Fantasy fans discuss if Genesis is truly a Red Mage in the game universe.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genesis Rhapsodos from Final Fantasy VII has sparked a heated debate among fans regarding his class in the game.


  • Genesis’s appearance and weapon choice hint at him being a Red Mage.
  • Some argue Genesis’s portrayal aligns more with that of a bard due to his characteristics.
  • Fans express desires for his outfit to be featured in FF14 as a Red Mage artifact set.

Fan Theories on Genesis’s Class

One user pointed out, “He doesn’t have the hat. So no, he is not. Just a pretender.” This comment highlights the significance of traditional Red Mage attire in defining the class.

Debates on Weapon Choice

Another user discussed, “I always thought he used Enfire from FFXI Red Mage in the cutscene he fights Sephiroth.” Connecting Genesis’s actions in cutscenes to Red Mage abilities from other FF titles showcases fans’ attention to detail.

Comparisons with Other FF Characters

Some users referenced past FF protagonists, indicating, “‘Blend of melee and magic’ refers to half of all FF protagonists.” This insight delves into the common characteristics shared by various FF characters.

Genesis’s classification in the Final Fantasy universe continues to intrigue fans, with debates ranging from weapon choice to historical character comparisons. Whether he truly embodies the Red Mage class or possesses qualities of a bard remains a subject of heated discussion among enthusiasts.