Unraveling the Mystery: How Was I Seen in Apex Legends?

Players in Apex Legends are baffled by how they were spotted in a perplexing situation. Let's dive into the intriguing details!

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever found yourself in a situation in Apex Legends where you felt like a ghost, yet somehow, your enemies still managed to spot you? Well, one Reddit user, the_coo_gee, faced this very dilemma. As far as they were aware, no abilities had revealed their location, and even the digital threat had been removed that season. However, despite their attempts to stay hidden within the smoke, an opposing Octane seemed to have eyes in the back of their head. How did this happen?


  • Smoke clouds in Apex Legends can render differently for different players, leading to unexpected visibility.
  • Players have reported instances of being able to see through smoke while remaining hidden themselves due to rendering inconsistencies.
  • Speculations range from game mechanics to potential cheating, adding to the mystery of being spotted in stealthy situations.

Silhouettes in Smoke

One explanation offered by users is the phenomenon of silhouettes appearing outside of smoke clouds, allowing players to be spotted unexpectedly. This rendering inconsistency has been present in the game for years, leading to confusion and frustration among players. The element of surprise can often work in favor of the spotted player, but it also raises concerns about fair gameplay.

Rendering Anomalies

Players have highlighted how smoke renders differently for each individual, creating discrepancies in visibility between players. This variation can lead to situations where one player can see through the smoke while others cannot, causing confusion and possible accusations of cheating. Understanding these rendering anomalies is critical for strategizing effectively within the game.

Game Development Humor

A humorous take on the situation involved a reference to the game being developed by a “small indie company,” suggesting that the quirks in visibility could be attributed to the game’s unique development process. While meant in jest, this comment sheds light on the community’s ability to find humor in unexpected gameplay scenarios.

The mystery of being seen in seemingly impenetrable smoke continues to puzzle Apex Legends players, with theories ranging from game mechanics to potential cheating. As the community navigates these uncertainties, one thing remains clear – in the world of Apex Legends, staying hidden may be more challenging than it seems. Embrace the unpredictability, adapt your strategies, and always keep an eye out for those elusive silhouettes in the smoke.