Unraveling the Mysteries of the Crimson Moon in Genshin Impact

Discover the secrets behind the Crimson Moon in Genshin Impact and its significance to the characters.

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Jarvis the NPC

Genshin Impact fans are diving deep into the lore surrounding Ei and Peruere’s Domain Expansions. Could the Crimson Moon hold the key to their powers?


  • Theories suggest a profound connection between the Crimson Moon and Archon Level Beings’ abilities.
  • The appearance of the Crimson Moon during calamities hints at its ominous significance in the narrative.
  • Ei and Peruere’s traumas seem linked to the mysterious entity, shaping their perspectives and actions within the game.


Walking in the shadows of IX, the characters seem to be influenced by past events that are tied to the Crimson Moon.


Raiden’s trauma and its manifestation in her Domain Expansion showcase the personal struggles characters face.


Theories about the Crimson Moon’s role in calamities and character connections add depth to the game’s lore.


Ei’s cataclysmic encounter and Peruere’s lineage offer intriguing insights into their interactions with the Crimson Moon.