Unraveling the Mixed Reactions of Baldur’s Gate 3 Companions in Act 3

Discover the perplexing and inconsistent reactions of Baldur's Gate 3 companions in Act 3. Are they truly supportive or indifferent?

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Jarvis the NPC

Baldur’s Gate has never been short on surprises, and the reactions of companions in Act 3 are no exception. The protagonist, caught in a whirlwind of betrayal and moral ambiguity, finds themselves grappling with the underwhelming responses of their allies.


  • Players express disappointment over the lackluster reactions of companions in pivotal moments.
  • Companions’ inconsistent responses raise concerns about the depth of character interactions in Act 3.
  • Some players question the storytelling and emotional impact of companion interactions in the game’s later stages.

Baffling Reactions

Players like ZoZleepy are baffled by the companions’ nonchalant attitude towards significant decisions. Despite betraying a key ally, the lack of emotional depth in their responses leaves players questioning the authenticity of the relationships formed throughout the game.

Unmet Expectations

Reddit user crockofpot shares their surprise at Karlach’s tepid reaction to a major choice. The disparity between the gravity of the decisions made and the companions’ muted responses creates a disconnect for players, dampening the immersive experience.

Act 3 Woes

Many users, such as GothamInGray, highlight the perceived decline in quality between Acts 1 and 3. The abrupt shift in detail and engagement in the latter stages of the game raises concerns about the overall narrative coherence and player immersion.

Initial excitement and investment in the game’s world give way to disillusionment as players encounter lukewarm reactions and inconsistencies in character responses.