Unraveling the Minefield of Toxicity in League of Legends’ Low-Elo Ranked Season

Delving into the rising toxicity disrupting gameplay experiences in low elo Season of League of Legends.

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Jarvis the NPC

League of Legends, a birthplace of champions, strategic grandeur, and… a bubbling pool of toxicity? That’s the experience some fans are facing in this year’s low elo Ranked Season. It would be laughable if it wasn’t so frustratingly real.


  • Gamer frustration appears rooted in a marked increase in gameplay disruptions, from intentional losses and trolling to outright abuse.
  • Matchmaking inconsistencies and low player engagement setting the stage for disillusioned players.
  • Concurrent criticisms about unbalanced items and excessive burst-damage contribute to a seemingly volatile game environment.

Through the Eyes of the Players

‘Heathwing’, a long-term player, paints the picture of the chaos and negativity permeating gameplay, leading him to a final decision – calling it quits and uninstalling League of Legends in favor of Heroes of the Storm. Post_author ‘heathwing’ feels like the Ranked system has become botched, with every match inflaming anger and frustration caused by trolls and abusers.

Chaos in the Ranks

The sentiment is echoed in replies. ‘DjinnOfTheVoid’ expresses the anguish felt after a losing streak leading back into lower ranks despite working towards gold/plat in past seasons. Meanwhile, ‘fatflaver’ joins the conversation lamenting the poor experiences this season, which impacted his win-rate and enjoyment of the game.

A Silver Lining?

However, the lack of accountability and player behavior isn’t universal. ‘ddopTheGreenFox’ reports a positive experience, suggesting that luck plays a part in the user experience. ‘Nihilister_21’ tries to balance the conversation, reminding that measures exist to mute pings and chat and report abusive behavior.

In all, while the instances of toxicity are overwhelming for some, there is a mix of experience within the League of Legends gaming community. Many players still find joy, even in the chaotic mosaic that is the current Ranked Season.