Unraveling the Helldivers Mystery Behind the Airburst Weapon

Join the Helldivers community as they discuss the surprising effectiveness of an airburst weapon against armor.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever wondered why an airburst weapon isn’t effective against armor in Helldivers?


  • Airburst weapons are designed for infantry targets, not armor or fortifications.
  • Users express frustration over the weapon’s ineffectiveness against certain enemies.
  • Some players appreciate the niche utility of the airburst weapon.

Jumpy Bugs and Unexpected Explosions

While some players argue that the airburst weapon’s inefficiency lies in its design for infantry targets, others point out specific issues like the proximity sensor’s shortcomings.

Niche Use and High Risk

Players discuss whether the marginal benefits of using the airburst weapon justify its risks and scarcity in loadouts compared to alternatives like the grenade launcher.

Fearful Experiences

Many players express fear or frustration over the weapon’s unreliable performance and call for options to disable the proximity sensor.

Despite mixed opinions, the Helldivers community appreciates Arrowhead’s commitment to game updates and improvements.