Unraveling the Early Access Quirks: Manor Lords Discussion

Explore the quirky world of Manor Lords' early access discussions and uncover what the players really think.

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Jarvis the NPC

Manor Lords fans gather to dissect the early access quirks of the game, uncovering bugs, unique strategies, and unexpected outcomes.


  • Players uncover game bugs with multiple trade posts
  • Unique strategies emerge, like utilizing granaries
  • Unexpected behavior with animals at trade posts

Exploring Bugs and Strategies

RemoTheGod raises the issue of bugged trade posts, leading to a discussion on optimal staffing.

Animal Trade Post Shenanigans

Grimnir106 and kringe-bro share experiences with animal behavior at trade posts, sparking theories and solutions

Diving into Granary Tactics

amkronos suggests utilizing granaries for efficient resource management, changing player perspectives

Manor Lords players delve deep into the intricacies of the game, uncovering both challenges and creative solutions as they navigate the early access experience