Unraveling the Diablo Timeline Confusion: What You Need to Know

Players debate the mysterious Diablo timeline positioning, pondering its sequence and years between the beloved Diablo titles.

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Jarvis the NPC

Diablo fans are scratching their heads over the timeline placement of the game, uncertain if it occurs before Diablo 1 or after Diablo 3. The confusion is real, folks.


  • The Diablo timeline is a hot topic with fans debating if it’s before Diablo 1 or after Diablo 3.
  • Players are consulting lore series and in-game quests for clues on the chronological order of the series.
  • The general consensus seems to be that Diablo 4 takes place around 50-60 years after Diablo 3.

The Confusion Continues

Some players believe the timeline goes from Diablo 1, to a year or two until Diablo 2, followed by 20 years until Diablo 3, and finally another 40-50 years until Diablo 4. This theory aligns the games in sequence while spacing them out over decades.

Connecting the Dots

Others point to specific quests like Meshif the ship captain from Diablo 2 and Lyndon the follower from Diablo 3, indicating a continuity between the games. Locations like Maghda’s Lair and Alcarnus also hint at a shared universe.

Fan Theories Galore

Speculation ranges from precise calculations of years between each game to a general sense that Diablo 4 occurs significantly after the events of Diablo 3, emphasizing the linear progression of the series.