Unraveling the Color of Controversy over the Apex Legends Multi-Style Art Challenge

Exploring the mixed reactions over the Apex Legends Multi-Style Art Challenge on a popular online platform.

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Jarvis the NPC

Apex Legends, the popular battle royale game, recently ignited another round of buzz on a popular online platform. The trigger? An art challenge claiming to bring every character of Apex Legends to life in unique animation style.


  • The post is engulfed in controversy with allegations of reposting artwork without appropriate attribution.
  • Despite the backlash, the artistic brilliance of the artwork receives unanimous praise.
  • Some corner of skepticism exists around the claim of including all Apex Legends characters in the artwork.

A Repost Controversy?

“So did this person, who actually did the artwork”, writes one user, echoing the majority sentiment of the post being a blatant repost. Another user sarcastically quips, “Didn’t even bother changing the title”, questioning the originality of both the artwork and the poster. It seems like the majority of users are on a shared wavelength of disappointment and unfavorable sentiment regarding the alleged intellectual theft.

A Riot of Colors and Characters

Stripping away the controversy, the art challenge has managed to win over the hearts of many for its vibrant portrayal of beloved Apex Legends characters. “Trying to pinpoint the different art styles was a walk down memory lane. Great piece!”, says one. The artistic representation offers a veritable feast of colors that careens its viewers down a nostalgia trail, with links to different animation styles.

Something Missing?

Despite the overall chagrin at the poster’s actions, a few users took a stab at constructive criticism, noting the supposed absence of certain characters. “Looks good, but you didn’t draw every legend”, points out one user, alluding to the poster’s overambitious claim.

Whether or not this art challenge was a case of counterfeit creativity, one can’t deny the overwhelming undertow of admiration towards the vibrantly illustrated characters and the skillful interplay of varied animation styles. This undercurrent of appreciation, unfortunately, gets somewhat lost in the wave of backlash against the alleged intellectual appropriation.