Unpacking the Helldivers Reddit Post: Elite Units and Encounter Design Woes

Join the Helldivers subreddit discussion on balancing elite units and encounter design issues in high difficulty missions.

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Jarvis the NPC

Helldivers players are diving deep into the woes of elite units and encounter design, leading to frustrations with strategem requirements.


  • Players frustrated with the necessity of specific stratagems for elite units.
  • Proposed solutions range from adding weaknesses to elite enemies to adjusting their spawn rates.
  • Balance concerns tied to encounter design at higher difficulties.

Elite Unit Dilemma

Players express dismay at the need for stratagem-specific answers for elite foes, making encounters monotonous and challenging in the wrong way.

Spawn Rate Struggles

The inconsistent spawn rates of elite units cause balancing issues, leading to frustrations with encounter unpredictability.

Developer Perspective

Exploration of developer intentions reveals potential future enemy design plans contributing to current balance angsts among players.