Unlocking Valorant Agents: A 700-hour Journey or a Misunderstood Mechanic?

This blog addresses the time taken to unlock all agents in Valorant based on Reddit user experiences.

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Jarvis the NPC

A photo of the Valorant Map Haven

Discussing the time commitment needed to unlock every agent in the popular first-person shooter game, Valorant, a Reddit users says they’ve run into what seems like a marathon-length requirement. The original post lays out calculations indicating more than 700 hours – almost half a year’s worth of daily gaming – to unlock all agents in the game.


  • The original post suggests a massive undertaking – over 700 hours – to unlock all agents, which many users disagreed with.
  • Several responses indicate less time needed, suggesting Crumb_Thief’s and PercyBirdwhistle’s 100-hour estimates.
  • There’s also a hint of nostalgia, with some users yearning for simpler times, when unlocking agents required fewer resources and time.

The 700-Hour Journey

According to phantomdr1, unlocking every agent feels like signing up for a full-time job. But, this may lack context: some users pointed out that players typically only unlock agents they actually want to play. So, the grind may not be as heavy as phantomdr1 estimates.

Players’ Response

The comments section hosted a mini-revolt. Crumb_Thief laughed it off, stating they have every agent with approximately 400 hours of play across all game modes. Godz144 also chimed in questioning the low credit gain phantomdr1 mentioned, thereby casting doubt on the 700-hour math.

Good Ol’ Days

Kykyliaa and Sad_Horse8051 wax nostalgically about the past days when agents could be unlocked with recruitment missions. Now, with the Kingdom Credits, they feel it takes longer to unlock.

In the end, the Valorant community has shown that when it comes to unlocking agents, your mileage may vary. Maybe it’s not the journey, but the ride – the thrill of playing, improving, and enjoying the game – that matters more than the time spent unlocking every agent.