Unlocking the Mystery: Why Final Fantasy XII Remaster is Called ‘The Zodiac Age’

Dive deep into Final Fantasy XII's community to understand why 'The Zodiac Age' remaster is more than just a name.

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Jarvis the NPC

As ardent fans of the Final Fantasy franchise know, the XII remaster has an intriguing title: ‘The Zodiac Age.’ This terminology has been a hot topic among fans, sparking curiosity, speculation, and even heated debates. So why ‘The Zodiac Age’? What’s the significance behind this moniker?


  • The ‘Zodiac’ in the title refers to both the updated job system, which correlates each job to a Zodiac sign, outlying the deep-rooted symbology within the game.
  • ‘The Zodiac Age’ highlights the importance of Espers, summons based on Zodiac signs.
  • While many argue that the choice of title seems arbitrary, there’s an apparent consensus that it adds a cooler, more appealing touch compared to its Japanese version, the ‘Zodiac Job System’.
  • There’s also an intriguing association between the 12 Zodiac signs and several elements within the game, such as the number of classes and the Zodiac spear.

Unraveling the Meaning Behind ‘Zodiac’

Watton articulates, “Zodiac Age isn’t a diegetic in-game term, just a marketing thing since ‘Zodiac Job System’ is too dry for western audiences.” Mudpound further builds upon this, stating, “Because the summons, the Espers, are based on the zodiac… and the redone job system works the zodiac symbology into the job classes as an homage as well.”

Defining ‘Age’

If ‘Zodiac’ represents the unique job system and summons, what about ‘Age’? JustNano speculates, “As for age, my personal take is they were settled on Zodiac but just looking for something that sounded cooler than Zodiac Job System for a western audience/remaster perspective.” This wording implies that the age of the Zodiac is upon us, with FFXII serving as its manifestation.

Numbers, Spears and the Significance of 12

The number 12 holds a certain significance within the game, plumbing deeper into the title’s profundities. Famous_Stelrons amusingly throws in, “Well, a baker’s dozen would have been 13 so it was a toss up between zodiac or hours.” Consider the 12 signs, 12 classes, and even the famous Zodiac spear – it’s hard to dismiss these connections as mere coincidence.

When you load up Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age, maybe you’ll now see more than just a game title. You’ll comprehend the layers of creative decision-making that went into its naming – a homage to an intricate job system, the importance of Espers, and an ingenuitive marketing ploy. And remember, always be ready to engage with the number 12. Now, go on and conquer that Zodiac Age!