Unlocking the Mystery of Set Reroll Traits in Team Fight Tactics (TFT)

Discover the missing link in current TFT set reroll traits and how players are adapting.

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Jarvis the NPC

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) enthusiasts have been scratching their heads over the missing set reroll trait in the current meta. From Heavenly to Mythic, players seek meaning and utility from these traits but are left seeking answers.


  • The absence of a clear reroll trait has sparked debate among players.
  • Players reminisce about past traits such as Heavenly and Punk that encouraged rerolling.
  • Some players find solace in the current meta, adapting to new strategies without dedicated reroll traits.

Heavenly: A Missing Link

Many players speculate on the role of Heavenly in the current meta, questioning its effectiveness in incentivizing rerolling. While some believe Heavenly could be the answer, others find it lacking in impact.

Rerolling Strategies in Flux

As players adapt to the absence of dedicated reroll traits, new strategies emerge. From Senna to Dryad Kindred, players explore alternative paths to success without traditional reroll incentives.

The Quest for Balance

Despite the absence of a clear reroll trait, players continue to seek balance in their strategies. Some call for redesigns of existing traits, while others embrace the challenge of mastering the current meta dynamics.

Team Fight Tactics (TFT) remains an ever-evolving landscape, where players must navigate shifting trends and adaptability to conquer the competition. As the debate over reroll traits rages on, one thing is certain – in TFT, strategic flexibility is key to victory.

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