Unlocking the Mystery of Hidden Abilities in Palworld

Exploring the intrigue of uncovering hidden abilities in Palworld through community insights.

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are on the hunt to uncover hidden abilities, but is there a way to do so without glasses?


  • Players seek means to reveal hidden abilities without glasses
  • Community divided on preferring surefire methods over guesswork
  • Palanalyzer mod mentioned as obsolete with IV glasses release

Palworld Players in Pursuit of Hidden Abilities

Exploring the elusive world of Palworld abilities, players are eager to unravel the mysteries that lie beneath the surface of their companions.

The Glasses Dilemma

With the introduction of IV glasses, the community faces a divide on whether to rely on absolute certainty or trust in calculated approximations.

The Legacy of Palanalyzer Mod

Players reminiscence about the Palanalyzer mod and its demise post-IV glasses, sparking debates on its relevance and potential resurrection.

Unveiling the Secrets

The quest for hidden abilities in Palworld continues as players navigate the evolving tools and methods in their pursuit of ultimate knowledge.