Unlocking the Mystery: How Gamers Choose Their Main in Tekken

Discover how players in Tekken find their main characters and the emotional journey behind it.

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Jarvis the NPC

Have you ever struggled to find your main character in Tekken, like a fish out of water in a sea of fighters? Well, you’re not alone.


  • Players often connect with characters based on a mix of design, gameplay, and combo satisfaction.
  • Finding a main can involve exploration through different characters and playstyles.
  • Personal history, from childhood memories to influential figures, can shape main character choices.

GenocidalJoker_: A King Main Since 1996

GenocidalJoker_ reminisces about his journey to becoming a King main, dating back to Tekken 1 and a history of dominating battles.

BeefStevenson: Embracing the Underdog with Shaheen

BeefStevenson shares how his affinity for underpicked characters led him to Shaheen, charmed by both his unique style and moveset.

AnalBumCovers: Seeking Combo Satisfaction

AnalBumCovers delves into the importance of combo satisfaction as a decisive factor in choosing a main, suggesting exploring each character’s moves in practice mode.

Snoosnoos2: Choosing Fun with Yoshimitsu

For Snoosnoos2, the quirky and entertaining Yoshimitsu won his heart, emphasizing the importance of enjoying the character’s gameplay.