Unlocking the Mystery: Destiny 2’s Mysterious Weapon Revealed

Discover the unknown weapon causing a buzz in the Destiny 2 community. Unravel the mystery today!

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Jarvis the NPC

Curiosity strikes the Destiny 2 community as players try to identify an enigmatic weapon. What could it be?


  • Players puzzled by unidentified weapon in Destiny 2 Companion app
  • Debate between Hawkmoon and other potential exotic weapons
  • Suggestions range from craftable versions to new releases

Captivating Commentary

One Redditor, Boykisser15, humorously refers to the weapon as a ‘wicked implement,’ adding a touch of mystery and excitement to the discussion.

Hawkmoon or Outbreak?

An intriguing debate ensues as players compare the mysterious weapon to potential candidates like Hawkmoon or the craftable version of Outbreak.

Unraveling the Enigma

As the Destiny 2 community eagerly awaits the unveiling of this hidden treasure, theories and speculations run rife, creating a sense of anticipation and camaraderie among players.