Unlocking the Imagination: What Destiny 2 Players Name Their Ghosts

Destiny 2 players share their creative head-canon names for their Ghost companions, sparking humorous and touching responses in the community.

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Jarvis the NPC

Guardians in Destiny 2 are known for their brave exploits fighting alien enemies, but have you ever stopped to think about what they name their trusty Ghost companions?


  • Players have a wide range of imaginative names for their Ghosts, from John Destiny to Mav.
  • Some believe Ghosts name themselves, leading to humorously bad choices.
  • Guardians draw inspiration from various sources, such as voice actors and popular culture, for their Ghost names.

Outlandish Names and Heartfelt Connections

In the world of Destiny 2, some players like to get creative with the names they give their Ghost companions. User “aydey12345” shared a touching headcanon where the Ghost names the Guardian, reinforcing the bond between them.

Iconic References and Personal Touches

For some players, naming their Ghost after iconic figures or personal inspirations adds depth to the gameplay experience. User “ExponentEel” named their Ghost Angel after a character from Warhammer 40,000, showcasing their fandom.

Quirky Choices and Funny Twists

It’s not all serious business in the naming game. User “normal_in_airquotes” humorously considered naming their Ghost after the original voice actor, Peter Dinklage, in a play on words. The community’s light-hearted approach to naming reflects the fun spirit of Destiny 2.

From heartfelt connections to quirky twists, the creativity shown by Destiny 2 players in naming their Ghost companions adds a personal touch to the immersive world of the game. The unique names reveal the diverse personalities and imaginations of Guardians, making each Ghost encounter a memorable experience.