Unlocking the Ferocious Perk in Palworld: Tips and Tricks Revealed

Find out how Palworld players are trying to unlock the ferocious perk through mutation breeding jet dragons!

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Jarvis the NPC

Palworld players are exploring ways to unlock the ferocious perk through mutation breeding jet dragons. Are they succeeding?


  • Players are experimenting with breeding to obtain the rare ferocious perk
  • Strategies involve using specific parent traits to increase the odds
  • The process requires patience and multiple attempts
  • Some players have successfully achieved the desired outcome
  • Animeboy1626’s Insight

    Responding to the query, Animeboy1626 mentions it can happen through breeding but is a rare occurrence similar to other passive traits.

    Secret_Cow5365’s Method

    Secret_Cow5365 shares a strategy of capturing two creatures and breeding them repeatedly until the desired trait is obtained.

    heyillsayseven’s Advice

    heyillsayseven suggests using parent creatures with minimal passives and refining the selection process through successive generations.

    BriareusD’s Experience

    BriareusD emphasizes the importance of clean parent traits and offers insights into achieving the ferocious perk through selective breeding.