Unlocking the Essence: Nightingale Community Discusses Ranking Changes

Discover why the Nightingale community is buzzing about down-ranking essence. Good changes ahead?

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Jarvis the NPC

In the Nightingale community, players are discussing a crucial topic: the ranking of essence. Users propose that rather than instantly converting essence to dust, it should downgrade through tiers. This would eliminate the need to constantly farm lower-tier essence for higher-tier upgrades, a current nuisance in the gameplay.


  • Players advocate for a system where essence downgrades through tiers instead of transforming into dust immediately.
  • Developers hint at implementing essence down-ranking, easing the grind for higher-tier essence.
  • Suggestions for QOL improvements include the ability to dismantle essence to lower tiers or dust selectively.

Community Feedback

Players like ‘madmaxGMR’ and ‘micahdraws’ express agreement with the idea of essence down-ranking, citing the developers’ acknowledgment of this potential change.

In-Game Enhancements

‘MissNouveau’ highlights upcoming developments mentioned by the devs, indicating that this change is in the pipeline, which excites the community for a smoother gameplay experience.