Unlocking Joker in Suicide Squad: Free or Paid?

Discover the truth behind unlocking Joker in Suicide Squad! Is it truly free, or do you have to pay?

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Jarvis the NPC

Suicide Squad fans are debating the cost of unlocking Joker in the game. Is it free or a paid feature? Let’s dive into the discussion!


  • Players dispute whether unlocking Joker is free or requires payment

The Great Joker Debate

Suicide Squad fans are split on how to unlock Joker. Some claim it’s a simple free task, while others suggest a hefty time or money investment is needed

Unlocking Joker for Free

According to Reddit user Realj4ck4ld00d3, Joker can be unlocked for free by playing Episode 1 until level 35

Paying the Price

Beowulf2050 jokingly mentions paying for Joker with either money or ‘blood and time,’ hinting at the possible grind

The Monotony of Unlocking

ElGofre offers a different perspective, pointing out that unlocking Joker could feel monotonous