Unlocking Hearthstone’s Latest Master Baiter: Brann

A deep dive into the Hearthstone community's response to Brann, the latest character shaking up the game dynamics.

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Jarvis the NPC

Our beloved Hearthstone has a new talk of the town, Brann. How is he shaking game dynamics in the new expansion? Let’s dig in.


  • Many Hearthstone players struggle to play Brann effectively
  • Responses to Brann remain polarised with some players arguing for effective strategies while others lean towards critiquing the hero
  • Insights reveal a common theme about the significance of an optimized decklist when playing with Brann

The Struggles of Playing Brann

Reddit user, schmoorglschwein, shared his frustration (source) about playing with Brann. Despite trying multiple strategies, all his decks seem to have a close to 0% win rate, the opposite of what user therealpezza seemed to experience with a daring 11-1 from D4 2/3 stars to legend (source).

Effective Brann Strategies

Reddit user, That_D, suggested running an optimized decklist, with Brann being the most expensive card, and cheaper Battlecries imply a successful decklist (source). Sethory- shares a detailed decklist with a claim of 4-0 against warriors (source).

The Polarising Opinions about Brann

DumneDog admits that Brann is a polarising card, with the potential to either win you the game or be a complete brick card (source). Similarly, ThisIsAUsername353 notes that Brann’s deck is an ultra-greedy highlander deck, not surprising at all (source).

With every new expansion and character like Brann, the intricate dynamics of Hearthstone evolve further. Players struggle, push boundaries, and incorporate the latest into existing strategies. As we’ve seen from the ongoing dialogue, mastering Brann’s play mechanic is a challenge that continues to inspire differing opinions in our elusive quest for Hearthstone mastery.